In a visual field we organize the elements into two opposing categories: positive (figures) and negative (background).
Image: Waldron, William. "Lofty Ideas." Elle Decor. November 2010. 200. |
Horizontal elements can define fields of space in which the vertical boundaries are implied. The four different types of horizontal planes include; base plane, elevated base plane, depressed base plane, and overhead plane.
Image: Brinkley, Rob. "Houston." Elle Decor. November 2010. 164. |
Defining Space with Vertical Linear Elements
Vertical forms have a greater presence than horizontal planes. They define volumes and provide a sense of enclosure. Vertical linear elements serve to separate one space from another. Vertical elements define spaces by; vertical linear elements, single vertical plane, L-shaped plane, parallel planes, U-shaped plane, or four planes (closure).
Image: "Waldron, William. "Lofty Ideas." Elle Decor. November 2010. 202. |
Qualities of Architectural Space
Qualities of architectural space include; degree of enclosure, view, and light.
Example of View |
Image: Abranowicz, William. "Tall Order." Elle Decor. October 2010. 227. |
Openings in Space-Defining Elements
Openings in space-defining elements include; within planes, at corners, and between planes.
Image: Estersohn, Peter. "Homeward Bound." Elle Decor. November 2010. 234. |