Form & Space

Form & Space: The Unity of Opposites

In a visual field we organize the elements into two opposing categories: positive (figures) and negative (background).

Image: Waldron, William. "Lofty Ideas." Elle Decor. November 2010. 200.

Defining Space with Horizontal Elements

Horizontal elements can define fields of space in which the vertical boundaries are implied. The four different types of horizontal planes include; base plane, elevated base plane, depressed base plane, and overhead plane. 

Image: Brinkley, Rob. "Houston." Elle Decor. November 2010. 164.

Defining Space with Vertical Linear Elements

Vertical forms have a greater presence than horizontal planes. They define volumes and provide a sense of enclosure. Vertical linear elements serve to separate one space from another. Vertical elements define spaces by; vertical linear elements, single vertical plane, L-shaped plane, parallel planes, U-shaped plane, or four planes (closure).

Image: "Waldron, William. "Lofty Ideas." Elle Decor. November 2010. 202.

Qualities of Architectural Space

Qualities of architectural space include; degree of enclosure, view, and light. 
Example of View

Image: Abranowicz, William. "Tall Order." Elle Decor. October 2010. 227.

Openings in Space-Defining Elements

Openings in space-defining elements include; within planes, at corners, and between planes.

Image: Estersohn, Peter. "Homeward Bound." Elle Decor. November 2010. 234.